How does a PC Matic Lifetime subscription work?

PC Matic offers a unique deal for our customers in a Lifetime subscription. PC Matic Lifetime is exactly what it sounds like, a subscription for your entire life. Below you’ll find some frequently asked questions about PC Matic Lifetime.

  • Can I transfer PC Matic Lifetime to a new device?
    Of course! PC Matic Lifetime is for your entire life. This means when you get a new device, you can install PC Matic on that device also! With the standard lifetime license, you can protect up to 5 devices. If you are already at 5 devices you can either upgrade to a 10-device license or remove an old device and install it on your new one.
  • How many devices can I have with PC Matic Lifetime?
    You can have up to 10 devices with PC Matic lifetime. The standard offer is for 5 devices, but if you need to you can upgrade from your Account page by clicking the dropdown under PC Matic on your My Subscriptions page.
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